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Environmental Impact Statement: What Is It & Why Should You Have One?

In this blog post, we look at how Avena Group provide environmental impact statements for clients who use their secure document and textile destruction services, and the benefits that they bring to these clients. But first, what is an environmental impact statement?

An environmental impact statement (EIS) is commonly required for a large-scale infrastructure or construction development. It is a report on the findings of an environmental impact assessment (EIA) carried out to establish the how a project might affect the environment, both positively and negatively, and includes details about how negative impacts will be mitigated.

On a smaller scale, many commercial activities also have a degree of environmental impact.

While an EIS may not yet be mandatory in these areas, it nevertheless can have significant benefits.

How Avena Creates Environmental Impact Statements

To maintain security within our confidential shredding services, every consignment of papers and garments we collect for destruction is carefully recorded. This enables us to log the total amount of waste they have generated and disposed of in a legally and environmentally responsible manner.

This data in turn allows us to calculate with reasonable accuracy the amount of CO2 the client has saved by using Securall (document destruction) and SecureBrand (textile recycling and destruction) services from Avena.

Aren’t These The Same As Waste Transfer Notes?

While waste transfer notes may seem similar to Environmental Impact Statements they differ slightly. For a start, Waste Transfer Notes are legally required rather than optional.

With the exception of household waste received from a householder, every transfer of household, commercial or industrial waste from one person or organisation to another must be logged on a Waste Transfer Note (WTN). Copies must be kept for a minimum of two years and produced for inspection on request by an environmental regulator or local council official. Failure to provide a WTN for a consignment of waste can result in a fine.

While there is no standard WTN format, the note must contain the following information:

  • A description of the waste
  • Any processes the waste has been through
  • How the waste is contained or packaged
  • The quantity of the waste
  • The place and date of transfer
  • The name and address of both parties
  • Details of the permit, licence or exemption of the person receiving the waste
  • The licence or registration number of the person handing over the waste, if they have a waste management licence or are a registered carrier of controlled waste
  • The appropriate European Waste Catalogue (EWC) code for your waste
  • The Standard Industry Code (SIC) of your business

In contrast, an EIS contains data on the volume/weight of waste collected and the amount of CO2 saved as a result of using Avena Group to collect and recycle or destroy the waste.

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Why Avena Environmental Impact Statements Make Sense

With so many mandatory regulations surrounding waste, recycling, sustainability and the environment, it may seem tempting to regard environmental impact statements as optional and unnecessary. You may be right, to an extent, but there are definite advantages to having this additional information.

The prime advantage of maintaining EIS records is that they give you immediate, accessible proof of your efforts to reduce carbon emissions and take significant steps towards net zero. With several companies – even multinationals – coming under an unwelcome spotlight for greenwashing (making false or misleading claims about activities with supposedly positive environmental impact), measurable, independent data is a reliable way of genuinely proving your environmental credentials.

Another benefit of keeping EIS records is being able to provide further evidence that your waste is being recycled and repurposed where possible and handled in an environmentally responsible manner that reduces the volume of waste being needlessly incinerated or sent to landfill.

These factors weigh heavily with companies who have committed to reaching net zero targets and businesses that maintain EIS records are therefore more likely to win their contracts and orders.

If you would like to find out more about Environmental Impact Statements, Avena Group and our services, start your secure journey towards net zero by speaking with one of our experts. They can be contacted via our website contact page or fill in the form below for a callback.

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