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Secure Shredding Case Study | St John’s Primary School

St Johns

The Challenge

Like so many other organisations, St John’s Primary School in Birmingham were using internal shredders for the destruction of their secure and confidential information. With four shredders around the office, they would often overheat, and become overloaded.

So, what happens when a system is not easy to use or faulty? It breaks down. Papers are left loose to build up in a location that is difficult to track and near impossible to audit.

This is exactly what happened at St John’s.

What Solution did Avena Provide?

When St John’s appointed Avena to carry out their security audit, we were able to uncover some existing requirements that weren’t being met. We were able to implement our SECURALL system in order to improve their existing measures, ultimately safeguarding the school.

Avena’s SECURALL system is all about the three C’s: Convenience, Control, and Compliance. To ensure convenience and ease of use for staff members, we installed three consoles around the school. All of which are serviced weekly. We also implemented a total shred system to safeguard St John’s from any data breaches. This system removes all risks of human error and increases convenience by streamlining processes. Everything goes in one place. Finally, with both a convenient and controllable system, St John’s could be sure that they were compliant with the GDPR and Data protection laws, and that they had reduced the risk of any data breaches, fines, or identity theft.

“It has been a pleasure to deal with Avena from day one. This company are very professional, and the service has been first class. The shredding consoles are unobtrusive and look like a smart piece of office furniture. The drivers who collect the documents are polite and always arrived on the day the collection is scheduled for. The biggest benefit to staff is knowing the documentation is destroyed in accordance with GDPR guidelines with a certificate of destruction being provided.”

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